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Articles and reviews taken from local and national media.
«Mild autumn wind in Winterland»

Romsdals Budstikke, November 2013
«The Male Voice Choir...sang passion and excitement. Conductor Kyrre Bjørdal Sæther showed that he is brave enough to break the boundries of conventional genres. He used both different arrangements and a broader repertoire for the choir

«New record at Plassen»

Romsdals Budstikke, December 2012

«A local bastion in Moldes cultural scene, Fuglset Male Voice Choir, used the first day of Advent to release their new record. Many got to hear the large choir sing several songs from their latest release...»

«...a very active choir...»

Romsdals Budstikke, January 2013

«Fuglset Male Voice Choir is a very active choir. They have found their own concepts and ideas and turned them into a success.»



«In several of their numbers, espesiscially in the quieter parts, I noticed that the choir has very clear pronounciation. At the same time the choir has nice dynamic enterpretations.»

«Fuglset Male Voice Choir touring the US»

Romsdals Budstikke, June 2014

«It is not a coincidence that we have chosen this particulat destination; it coinsides nicely with both the norwegian Constitution´s 200th anniversary and our choir´s 70th anniversary.»

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